Monday, December 7, 2009

be my friend

"My life without you, I can not imagine. I've never seen how much I've took for granite how lucky we are to live so close. What will we do when apart? What will we do when were close in the future? I don't like not having everything set out in stone for me. I want answers. I want to be your friend. One thing I can promise is we will be friends, no matter how far; no matter how close. When you need me, I might not be a walk or bike ride away, but I will be a phone call away. I can not see the mornings where no one understands me but you, without you. I can not see the sport we've grown to love without you. I can not see the fact that we have been putting this off for so long, and now it's come back to bite us. I won't forget you, nor do I wish you will forget me. We've got that friendship that not even roads and distance can ruin. Sometimes the cards we are dealt are not always fair. However you must keep smiling & moving on."-My saving grace.

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