Thursday, January 14, 2010

seven TRIP

how does it feel to be the man that caused so many people so much pain? if you would have hit your brake pad a little bit sooner, I'd be at ease with so much more. something that happened to you terrifies me and we've never even met. you've caused chaos, panic, and confusion for her family and friends. but I want to get inside of your head. see what you're thinking. do you remember her everyday? replay the incident constantly. think what went wrong, what distracted you so much that you took someone else's life? i wonder if it's worse to be on your end or ours. knowing you caused all this pain is heart wrenching, but is enduring it and seeing it unfold before your eyes even worse? I want to feel sorry for you. sometimes I think I do. but today I miss her, a lot. today I want her back and today I need to tell her how I'm feeling and listen to her brilliant advice on how I should live my life. today, what you did isn't okay with me. but maybe tomorrow I'll understand. time does heal, but these sudden urges to have you back are starting to overwhelm me. someday way too soon. but for now, i still love you and you still are my world. i think of you everyday. pivotal moments, true change in my life. i can't think of a better time for this to happen. it makes sense today, but tomorrow, will it? day by day.

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