Friday, January 22, 2010

we're just ordinary people

Repeatedly being intentionally hurt really begins to influence who you trust and wholeheartedly believe. Being manipulated by her made me into someone I didn't even recognize. I hurt people I loved and didn't care. When I realized the power she had over me, I started to push her out of my life even though it was one of the hardest and only things I've ever done for myself. But now that she's gone for good, I'm content with myself and the people around me. I've rung out the bad and evil and become saturated with the people I believe truly care about me as a person.

Of everyone I've ever met, I've gravitated to you more than anyone. We have this unspoken trust that honestly amazes me. Ever since I realised the control she had over me I stopped trusting everyone. No one was every going to hurt me again; I told myself I was invincible. I think at one point you were the same way. But for some reason it's okay for me to be vulnerable with you. You just understand what I say and why I think the way I do. I can be myself, completely unguarded. You're never quick to judge or jump to conclusions. You listen intently to what I have to say free of prejudice and full of wonder. I've never admired someone the way I do you. Someday I want to be what you are, who you are. Have a family like you do, be the one everyone wants around.

You always talk about how I have so much potential, almost as if you wished you were like me when you were a kid. "You're so smart and have the potential to go so far." You wanted to be the person I can be even though I'm not so sure that's what I want. You're happy and that is what I want to be. But I know you're selfless and appreciate the simply beautiful things you have.

unguarded & non judgemental. maybe you're that way because of your past. you've been through so much to mold you into the person you are now, but I think it was worth it. you ended up in a better place and as a much better person. for some reason, I know you'll be in my life forever. Thank you for being nothing more than YOU.

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