Monday, October 18, 2010

I'm L, Nice To Meet Cha!

Some days I really miss blogging, today being one of them. This one goes out to Mark Zuckerberg, or the producers of The Social Network anyways, for reminding me that awesome ideas stem from writing-err typing?- out your thoughts. I've been working out every morning at 6:30 AM for almost four weeks now with the Wicked Witch of the West. Who would have thought? Our relationship has done a complete 180 from where it was at this point last year. Not only is she tolerable, but I enjoy and savor spending time with her. Sometimes she's just really easy to talk to. Although it's usually terrifying, I'm almost always guaranteed an honest answer, whether it's what I want to hear or not, but it's good to know that those people are still out there. Anyways, working out has been awesome. It feels good to get in shape, or at least attempt to. The rough mornings start to get me excited for softball season again, but then I think about how absolutely horrible it's going to be this year. I still can't believe the BOE took our coach from us. I mean come on, let the players play, the coaches coach, and the parents spectate, NOT run the show! Ugh, I can not talk about this without getting heated. I just wonder if I'm going to be able to leisurely enjoy something that has been so serious and intense, especially over the last few years. I feel like I'm not going to have anyone encouraging or pushing me like in the past and that scares me. Will the softball drama ever end?
Senior year has been alright. Nice and relaxing and I love that. Since when has school been nice and relaxing for me? I feel like I should be a lot more excited about senior year, but like they say "Once you have it, all you want is more." It just doesn't feel like anything special like I thought it would. But that's alright, because I'm enjoying it anyways. Tennis just ended. I'm happy it's over. It was just starting to become much more of a hassle than anything else.
I interviewed at Adidas today. I'm not sure how I feel about working in retail, but I need the extra cash and the discount at a sporting goods store doesn't hurt! And I get to wear bummy clothes to work! Does that not scream Haleigh Brown? But other than that, I don't think much else is new and exciting. I guess I'll leave it at that!

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