breaking down and coming undone, it's a rollercoaster kind of rush, and I never knew I could feel that much, and that's the way I loved you.
We both constantly toy with the boarder line of chaos and sanity. That's what the roller coaster is. We always wanna push, and want a little bit more. It's never enough, is it? We straped in knowing there was an up hill climb, but at that point I think we were too excited to realize that at some point, the up hill climb ends and we hang there and wait for the drop to come. Sometimes I think we want the drop to come as quick as possible because the climb back up is so satisfying and nostalgic. But the landslides aren't good. I really think it is possible to live comfortabley on the edge of crazy, because crazy is what we both need. Crazy keeps the fire burning, crazy keeps us alive. Let's keep burning the stares and dirty looks. Every one of them is designed to make us fight a little more. Fighting is what keeps us alive. I'm not in it to win it, I'm in it for the fight, because that fight, that up hill climb, and you, are totally and entirely worth it, always.
Libra, hold tight to all your beliefs today. The essence of your character may be tested.
Aquarius, you're the center of your universe, so don't feel bad when you put yourself first. Try some new activity today. Your amazing mental energy is seeking out new experiences and new people, so it's not much of a stretch to dig up something fun you've never done before.